Friday, September 30, 2005

Maybe it's time... I peel my contacts off my eyeballs, I realize that maybe I really should consider surgery on my eyes. I can only stand my toric contact lenses for about six hours before I'm ready for glasses again. But glasses seem to congest me...I know that sounds weird. It'd be nice to be able to try on a pair of sunglasses in the store and clearly see what they look like on me. Well, you still have to use your imagination and pretend not to see the huge plastic dohicky with the price on it...but none the less, I'd really like that.

On Tuesday, I got my haircut...last short cut of the year. I'll likely let it grow out a little longer during the colder months. I'd really dig a long hair style...but it's just never been me. :(

Sunday is Extreme Home Makeover...and it features a house out in Peyton, Colorado. About 20-30 people are coming over for that. I think I can find any excuse to have a social gathering...I'm way too sanguine.

Happy Friday all...have a good weekend!

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